All posts tagged 'Continuous Integration'

Database Continuous Integration – DeployTest

by JBrooks 12. February 2017 17:36

Part 2 of 4 - Commit Hook

I’ve created a simple Subversion post commit hook by creating a batch file called post-commit.bat and saving it to my …\SVN\hooks directory.  This batch file only has 1 line that calls a PowerShell script:


%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file C:\DeployTest\DeployUtils\CreateOneScriptCMD.ps1 "%1" "%2"


(This should all be on a single line.) If you run this to test you need to “Run as Administrator.”

The arguments passed to the batch file are just passed to the PowerShell script file. The %1 is the path to the Subversion repository and the %2 is the revision number just created by the commit.


The CreateOneScriptCMD.ps1 PowerShell script will look at the directories just committed and then create a text file with the appropriate OneScript Command arguments.  I then have a scheduled process that runs every few minutes that will see this new file and then do the real work. I did it this disconnected way so the developer doesn’t have to wait for the full process to complete when he does a commit.

Below is the CreateOneScriptCMD.ps1 script

param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$REPOS, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$REV ) Set-Location $PSScriptRoot cls $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' #hash table of paths to arguements found in OneScriptClient $Private:mapPathToArgs = @{"NorthwindDB/branches/" = "-s 1 -p 3 -fb -ra -b {0}" } $Private:index = -1 $Private:branchPath $Private:author $Private:args foreach($Private:dir in svnlook dirs-changed $REPOS --revision $REV) { Write-Verbose "Checking $dir" foreach($Private:key in $mapPathToArgs.keys) { $index = $dir.indexOf($key) Write-Verbose "index = $index" if($index -gt -1) { Write-Verbose "matched $key" # $author = svnlook author $REPOS --revision $REV # Write-Verbose "Author = $author" Write-Verbose "Matched $dir" $index = $index + $key.Length Write-Verbose "New index $index" $len = $dir.indexOf("/", $index) - $index Write-Verbose "Len = $len" $branchPath = $dir.Substring($index, $len) Write-Verbose "Branch is $branchPath" $args = $mapPathToArgs[$key] -f $branchPath break } } if($args) { break } } if($args) { $Private:dt = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd_HHmmss $Private:cmdFileName = "..\InCmds\OneScriptCmd_$dt.txt" $args | Out-File $cmdFileName -Append # $author | Out-File $CmdFileName -Append }

This will generate a file named something like: C:\DeployTest\InCmds\OneScriptCmd_20170212_215709.txt

And its content will be a single line containing the arguments to use when creating the release script from OneScriptCMD in the next step. Its content will look something like:

-s 1  -p 3 -fb -ra -b "3.2"

These are the same arguments created from within the OneScript Client Windows program. 

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Continuous Integration | Development | OneScript | PowerShell | SQL