Reporting when Logging only the start and end of an outage condition

Reporting when Logging only the start and end of an outage condition

by JBrooks 3. June 2009 09:33

In a previous post I had a system to only log the start and end of an outage condition.  To report on the outages we need to first look at the table where the exceptions get logged:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Exceptions](
        [ExTime] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Exceptions_ExTime]  DEFAULT (getdate()),
        [Message] [varchar](8000) NULL,
        [StackTrace] [varchar](8000) NULL
      ) ON [PRIMARY]

And a sample of the data:

        SELECT TOP 12 ExTime, Substring(Message,1,60) Message
        FROM Exceptions

                  ExTime Message
5/5/09 13:21 Outage start of error, ErrorGuid: 595f890d-c337-49
5/5/09 13:28 Outage end of error, ErrorGuid: 595f890d-c337-493f
5/11/09 18:08 dbo.processRequestAll|Thread was being aborted.
5/12/09 14:13 The actual number of records in insert did not match the exp
5/15/09 13:00 Data Feed FAILED at 5/15/2009 1:00:04 PM
5/15/09 13:00 Data Feed Error occurred at 5/15/2009 1:00:04 PM
5/22/09 18:10 dbo.saveXML|The DELETE statement conflicted 
5/26/09 11:14 The actual number of records in insert did not match the exp
6/3/09 6:39 Outage start of error, ErrorGuid: c1c430f0-9a8f-4f
6/3/09 6:41 Outage end of error, ErrorGuid: c1c430f0-9a8f-4fca
6/3/09 12:36 Outage start of error, ErrorGuid: 06de0545-d152-44
6/3/09 12:39 Outage end of error, ErrorGuid: 06de0545-d152-4438


 Now to do the reporting we create a temp table with just the records we are interested in:

           select ExTime,
           case when charindex('start of',Message) > 0 then 'S'
           else 'E' end a,
           substring(Message,charindex('Guid',Message)+5,40) g  into #t
           from Exceptions
           where Message like 'Outage%'

The first column (badly named "a") is just a flag to say if it is a Start or End record.  The second column (named "g") is the Guid for the outage event.    

Now create another temp table where the guid is summarized:

        select g, max(case when a = 'S' then ExTime end) startTime,
        max(case when a = 'E' then ExTime end) endTime into #t2
        from #t
        group by g
        having count(1) = 2

Now we can report on this.

           select startTime,
           CASE DATEPART(weekday,startTime)
           WHEN 1 THEN 'Sunday'
           WHEN 2 THEN 'Monday'
           WHEN 3 THEN 'Tuesday'
           WHEN 4 THEN 'Wednesday'
           WHEN 5 THEN 'Thursday'
           WHEN 6 THEN 'Friday'
           WHEN 7 THEN 'Saturday'
           round((datediff(ss,startTime,endTime)+0.0)/60,2) Minutes
           from  #t2 t
           where not exists
           (     select 1
                 from #t2 tin
                 where t.startTime between tin.startTime and tin.endTime
                 and t.g <> tin.g)
          and startTime > '05/13/09'
          order by startTime

  This gives us the following report that shows us the start time of the outage and how many minutes it lasted:


               StartTime Day     Minutes
5/27/09 14:38 Wednesday 9.53
5/28/09 10:06 Thursday 9.68
5/28/09 13:21 Thursday 4.52
5/28/09 23:18 Thursday 9.64
5/30/09 13:21 Saturday 3.85





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